Startseite  Oberaussem   Kriege  2. Weltkrieg   Halifaxbomber abgestürzt  Elisabeth Brüggen   Die Geschichte der Crew  Dokumentation  The Beginning

The Beginning

Georgia, Gibb’s sister, said that she remembers him as a baby mostly. He was

lots of fun to play with and loved to crawl around in the yard. He’d get his

hands dirty

then he’d sit up to rest and suck his thumb. It came out clean.





Fun included swimming for hours in the canal, which was about a half of a block from home. In the yard was an old barn which had a lot of knot holes in it. Neighbor kids would come and divide up into two teams. One side would be on the outside of the barn while the other was on the inside. Rubber guns were then used to shoot through the holes at each other. If you were hit by a rubber band you were then to play dead. Many hours were spent arguing if you were hit or not. Wood tag was another popular game. A person could travel the whole yard without touching the ground. At night they would play under the street light, games like run sheepy run, kick the can, etc. On the south of the yard was a pit (root cellar) and they would go and lay on this cellar and look at Bessy Allred’s delicious red apples. From this lookout point they could see Bessy’s window and would watch to see if the curtain would move. Many hours were spent reading books from the library.



Jack McClain said that he lived across from Gibb and on one occasion they dug a small cave and put a sloped roof on and spent hours playing in it. During the years 1935 to 1939, there were constant articles in the newspapers of the likelihood of war in Europe with Germany making repeated aggressive moves against neighboring countries.




Gibb at far right



1939 (age 17)


Gibb only finished part of grade 12.


Germany invaded Poland at the end of August 1939, and a few days later,

Canada, following England's lead, declaring war on Germany.



Gibb worked part time at the Sugar Factory on the spinners.


Feb 8, 1942 (19 years old)


Ordained an Elder by Rowan Stutz.



Summer of 1942

Gibb and his friend (Donald McMullin from Raymond) stopped in and stayed with Johnnie & Rae Evanson. They walked from the hi-way to the farm. Rae said she can still see them in her mind walking down the road towards the farm. Times were hard then and she remembers killing a chicken to feed these hungry boys. After sleeping in a near-by barn, the next morning they let them borrow a small tractor to drive to Taber where they left it to be picked up later. They then boarded the train.




September 25- November 16, 1942 

Worked full time at the factory in Raymond as he waited to join.

When Gibb enlisted he used the following men as character references: J. Golden 

Snow-Farmer, Orvin Hicken-School Teacher, C.R. Wing-Superintendent, Clarence E. Allred- Farmer.